Friday, October 21, 2011

Going for it; an intro to my blog

Hey all!  Here goes me... trying to blog... to who? about what? for how long?  I don't know but I decided to just go for it before perfectionism gets the better of me.

In the last year I've started reading some friends blogs and I've really enjoyed getting a picture of their life, what they are doing, and thinking about, and becoming.

So, I'm going for it.  I figure that I also will probably gain the most for having forced myself to record my thoughts and for having a record to look back on later.

I chose the title of the blog because I love analyzing the stew out of everything, and most especially myself.  All of this does beg the question that has stopped me from blogging in the past--is the whole endeavor a bit narcissistic--- like who wants to read all me and what I'm thinking?  Well, if you've gotten this far, you do. :)

Where to begin? I think I see my primary journeys of the heart/soul unfold in several big areas of my life; living in Uganda, being a mother, figuring out my creative contribution, and generally seeking to live out the Prayer of St. Francis some way, some how.

The other significant thing that I should point out if it is not painfully evident, is that I don't know anything about the process of blogging and the "templates", "statistics", "security", "coolness", "linking to other people's cool stuff", "linking updates to facebook", having cool quotations, books, photographs, music, etc, etc...... I will take no offense at all if those who know more than I jump on and tell me what to do.  Now that might presume that I know how to read your comments or that I know how to tell you how to find this blog. :) Anyway, I suppose an additional part of the journey might be me figuring out how to do some stuff online with internet speed equivalent to dial-up 10 years ago.

Welcome to my world!

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