Thursday, May 16, 2013

My life according to my camera!

Since I'm so behind in blogging, I'm letting my camera be my guide in recording chronology and daily life.  Frankly, the camera is probably also recording the random nature by which I manage to pull out the camera and document things.  Alas. In my mind the "blog" is also my way or recording our life-- with kids in Uganda, with USP, with family and friends.  So, here is a small recap:
Daniel, learning to dive

Mary with Favor or Treasure-- one of the twins of our colleague Margaret Opol

The girls with the twins and with the women who help watch the kids

Rachel with the other twin

Rachel and Lisa helping to pick material for the USP staff farewell outfits--my friend Mary Jane also in the background picking fabric-- a perk to life in Uganda is personalized tailoring

Our booty once we got home-- the orange one will be the USP outfits as you'll see in the upcoming photos

A picture of the CCCU accreditation team who visited the program in March

Mary, learning to swim

A fun day at a pool in Jinja

The kids have had a fun year of afternoon preschool with Teacher Becky, who was Daniel's homeschool tutor this year

USP farewell-- girls have on a traditional Ugandan gown--gomezi

The girls best friend Hannah who lives down the hill from us

Our family with Becky and Hannah

While the photo might look like I'm "great with child", I'm actually just with my great children! :) 


  1. All of these pictures are great. Excited to see you in just 10 days!!

  2. Great pictures. Thanks for sharing. Sorry we won't get to meet up this summer. One of the biggest downers of last year was that I was so ill while you were all here.

  3. It's great to see these pictures!
