Friday, February 24, 2012

art class

the children who made the art
the art:
collage of pieces
by david
by david
by jacob

by charlotte

by jude
by daniel
by jude
by ellie
by charlotte
My thoughts about art and teaching art: we have a group of expatriate kids who live on our hill in Mukono.  and they are great; they are themselves little works of art running around.  So, i've talked on and on that sometime, i should try to teach them so art.  Yesterday, was day one.  And I wanted to teach them to get comfortable with the materials--mostly water-soluble things (water colors, crayons, water soluble crayons and pencils, tape, rubbing alcohol in paint).  The assignment was to make circles on the page and then experiment with techniques... In the process I realized that the water color paper was much more suitable for the experimention.  But kids were well on their way on their colored paper and the effects were still cool.  So, there you have it... circles, materials, experimentation, personalities, the wonderful world of creating!

1 comment:

  1. I love the picture of all the kids, and the art as well. Fantastic. Well done for doing that! Interesting how they come out so differently.
