Sunday, February 5, 2012

Birthday, Mukono-style

Rachel turned three yesterday!!!!

First some shots to record the birthday pattern to which we've grown accustomed... i.e. Mark saying to me, "isn't this basically what every saturday looks like except a bite of cake to boot?" Yes.

"helping" with cake, i.e. eating lots of icing

showing dad her card, "i like the monkeys!"

whoever invented bubbles is my hero!

she blew the candles all by herself!

yeah, playdough

thank you god for all our friends in mukono

birthday hair clips

present time!
So a few words about Rachel...

I've always been a believer in birth order though i know it can get thrown off. But having my kids basically confirms the theory for me... there is something about the baby in the family.  I think for many mothers, they sort of know this is their "last" shot for doting.  :)  And I think many last borns do learn to be more adaptable and to get praise through humor.  And I think their self-esteem may come more from the whole family system than just mommy-care because, lets face it, mommy care isn't what it use to be. :) Anyway, like my own youngest sister, our rachel seems to have that funny streak, a certain independence, much less drama-prone (though this could mean that she is just a mini-she-Mark which i've also thought possible)... Her proximity to Mary's age means she may have some traits that go with twins; but the most amusing part is that she'll try to copy things of Mary that everyone knows are "copy-cat" because her core personality is in fact pretty different from Mary.  

Although our family planning didn't include a third child, I think everyone in our family can't imagine life without Rachel and we look forward to many years of watching her become her own person.  

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