Thursday, November 17, 2011

another mother's humor

Someone else's self-description of her blog: 

I chose “Momastery” because a monastery is a sacred place, apart from the world, where a seeker retreats to figure out what matters and catch glimpses of God. That’s exactly what motherhood is like to me. It's also exactly like being slowly pecked to death by merciless chickens. After sunrise each day I’m a mother to three and a wife to one. But in the early morning hours...while savoring my silent house and mug of hot coffee, I’m a writer. I hope you like me. If so, please comment or email. I love hearing from people who aren’t begging for snacks. Love, Glennon 

too funny not to pass on.... sorry for copyright issues but i'm trusting my audience not to sue me or pass me along to be sued. :)

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