Thursday, November 17, 2011

The size of things

The size of things:

I promised i would write more about our tree so here is one thought that has struck me the last few days.

The scale of something makes it note-worthy.  Mary said to me yesterday, "I think I find anything cute that is small or a baby version of something."  I totally agree.  Mark or my mom (sorry, can't recall), once said, even a baby warthog is cute.  Evidence that size is a part of cuteness.

And likewise, the massiveness of something inspires awe.  I will address this in relation to our tree but thought i'd remark on a cause of traffic this morning.  I was heading to town to meet a friend and pick up kids from school and I had to pull over because the largest items I've ever seen were passing carried by a flatbed truck.  I don't know what the thing was (I think either parts of a power plant or a water plant).... I was in awe of the items and had that humbling awareness that I have no idea what kind of large pieces of equipment are all about me, providing power and water daily (Uganda residents this is not an ironic comment though it could be).

Which brings me to our tree... I think I feel that the magnificence of the tree is the combination of its size/grandeur/strength and its supreme gracefulness.  That somehow ultimate beauty is a combination of grace and strength... one or the other of these attributes is great, but the combination is truly beautiful and enduring.

So, one more photo just to remind you (and me in years to come if I ever go back and read these!!!)

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